Everything has its own beginning, development and death.
A star is born from the gathering of many elements present on outer space. A nature's natural reaction of creation. As well as a child getting formed into its mother womb, many transformations occur to this to be a star until it gets its proper shape, light and power to attract unilluminated bodies wandering alone on space to shine for.
Once born, The star is doomed to one day come to an end, as well as everything in life. It is bound for wasting its inner resources up. But this is only fate, something that no one has power enough to control. Even the ancient gods have died long ago along with their worshippers. A God dies when there's no one to worship them. That's fate. But once formed, shinning and strong, the star take a taste for life and joy for shinning to that little planet full of life, joy and love provided by the star. And when it happens, the size of the universe means nothing to our star, not even the thought of going other places to meet other stars as bright as ours, does not call our star's attention, but only shine to that little planet seams enough.
Whenever a disease tried to consume the planet, our star did anything possible to end up the problem. Saving the only that thing that mattered to our star.
But out of the blue, there are forces stronger than all effort that our star can do to maintain the balance between it and its planet. Powers that envy the light of our star and tries to strike down the star by its weaker spot: the planet.
Meteors were sent to destroy the planet, but wisely the star moved the planets orbit avoiding its destruction. Once danger passed, their balance is restored. But not satisfied the evil forces send another star to attract the little planet away from our star. This new star is as bright as our but its interior is as black as the universe. Once close to the planet, it is attracted away from our star but once at the new star orbit the planet start to crumble, lose mass and get burned by the new star's flames. The planet tries to struggle to come back to our star orbit but it is too late to get rid of the new star power, that's when the planet and our star realise that it is not a simple new star but one of the most destructive powers of the universe, a black hole. The entire planet is consumed and destroyed by the black hole.
Not pleased enough for the simple destruction of the planet the black hole comes towards our star which accepts its fate, to die not as it was meant to be but for the loss it had. Now there was no reason left to be shinning. And the black hole feeds itself with our star flames, elements and mass.
But was it really the end, now that our star's flames could be seen far beyond the limits of its galaxy, inspiring new stars to rise and shine?